Another Probus walk and another voyage on the high seas. Well, to Cumbrae again……
In glorious sunshine, six intrepid wanderers gathered at Largs pier in anticipation of the adventure ahead.
Such was the heat of this late summer’s day that in true hiking style, three of the party appeared in shorts. Luckily we’re at an age that we don’t care a jot what others may think of our sartorial shortcomings (nice pun, eh?)
In true Calmac fashion, the 10 o’clock ferry departed at 9.45 (or maybe it was the 9.30). Which was OK for five of us, but, unaccustomed as he was to such activities, Gerry Brown had to revert back to his sprinting days (had there been any?) and with a desperate ‘wait for me’, made a flying leap for the departing vessel. He made it.
So, safely disembarked on the Cumbrae shore, Christopher, Douglas, George, Gerry, Iain and Phil set off towards the northerly point of the island, pausing for a group photograph by a memorial to dead people; not sure why we always do that.

It would have been a photograph of all six of us, but the technology of the self-timer proved to be an obstacle too great, so you just have to make do with five.
An incentive to encourage the waverers was the promise of a refreshment stop at the Fintry Bay Café, and after frequent encouragements of “It’s just round the next bend” we duly arrived and sunk gratefully into the plush couches in a private area of seating that would not have looked out of place in an Arabian harem; sadly without the enticements that should accompany such a setting.

As I always stress, one of the great attractions of these Probus Club walks is the wide-ranging, fascinating and downright quirky conversations that arise on our travels.
As we lounged languidly (nice alliteration, eh?) talk turned to music, including the merits or otherwise – sorry Iain, only merits – of Elvis Presley, and Douglas and Iain’s reminiscences of skiffle groups, bashing away at the washboard and plucking a bit of string tied to a broom handle and a tea-chest. Which naturally led to the subject of toilet paper. Don’t ask…. Well, it was no more than Izal and a comb!
But, we had a schedule to keep, aka ‘lunch’, so dragging ourselves up, we headed off on the final leg into the island capital and heaving metropolis that is Millport, and a return to the Pier Hotel, where a very pleasant lunch was taken…… marred only by the choice of drink taken by three of the four beer drinkers.
Memo for the future, if you want to keep in with the Secretary only order Tennents (Gerry’s a wee sook).
Another four mile walk would have brought us full circle back to the ferry slip.
We took the bus.
Sunshine, gentle exercise, sea air, good company, great craic. What more enjoyable way to pass a late summer’s day could there be?
Watch out for news of our next venture. I can’t promise the sunshine, but I’ve being doing pretty well so far……
George Newlands
Largs Probus Club will next meet on Wednesday 11th September when three more members will take to the floor with 10 minute talks of their own choosing. The meeting will be followed by our Vikingar putting competition, weather permitting.
Men over the age of 50 who are retired, or nearing retirement, can attend three meetings as a guest before deciding whether to become a Club member. Please use our Contact Form if you wish to attend as a guest, or to enquire about joining.