Largs Probus Club
Largs Probus Club provides the opportunity for retired or semi-retired men to meet on a regular basis. Although Probus stands for PROfessional and BUSiness, we’re just at group of guys who like to meet up, have a blether and listen to some really interesting talks.
We meet on Wednesdays, at Largs Willowbank Hotel, 9.45 for 10.00.
The Club meets fortnightly from May – September and weekly thereafter (October – April) on Wednesdays in the Willowbank Hotel, Greenock Road, Largs, 9.45 for 10.00, for coffee and chat followed by a talk. Why not look in our blog to see the wide range of subjects covered.

Some of the members enjoying a coffee and a blether before the meeting
The Club also has active sub groups: A Bowls Section, runs Putting Competitions, has a Walking Group and a Technology Group that meets as and when required. It also organises theatre outings, holidays and visits to places of interest. Please see the “About Us” and “Programme” pages for more information and also read our Blog posts if you have not already done so.
Largs Probus Club is one of many Probus Clubs up and down the country and overseas. All Probus Clubs are autonomous and Largs Probus Club is completely self-governing.
Why not come and join us?
If your Wednesday mornings are free, why not come and join us. Meeting new people, making new friends, discovering new interests are just some of the advantages of being a PROBUS member.
Prospective members, or anyone wishing more information about the Club, please contact us by filling in the Contact Form.
Contact Webmaster