Technology Discussion Group

The Technology Discussion Group meets in the comfort of the Largs Bowling Club

The Technology Discussion Group started many years ago as a Computer Group where members could learn about and help each other use personal computers. The group has gradually expanded its interests to cover the wide range of smart devices and services now used by members – laptops, tablets, phones, the internet, social media – and the name has been changed to reflect this. We sometimes have talks on specific subjects and recent topics have included Cloud Storage, Quantum Computers and Mobile Internet. The group used to meet monthly, usually on the first Tuesday, but at present only meets on an ‘as and when’ basis.

Webmaster’s comment: I suspect that many people are quite happy as long as their devices are working properly. Having worked for a charity that was the victim of a Ransomeware infection, I am very keen that everyone should all keep up to date with their software and knowledge. Applications are only supported for so long, they then become targets for scammers etc.

I wish I’d gone to the TDC!