Sixty Years of Largs Lifeboat

The sixtieth anniversary of a lifesaving provision in Largs was the subject of a most interesting talk to Largs Probus Club by Ron Copeland. Ron had joined at the age of 18 when this voluntary service was formed in Largs in 1964 with a rescue boat named the Moby Dick. This boat was seven feet long, made of rubber and had a single engine, which was not always reliable. The second vessel was a B Class lifeboat which was still rubber with a single engine, but the crew could now be summoned by phone from a local pub. Next came the Atlantic Prototype which had a glass fibre hull, had a three-man crew and was more stable. This was followed by an Atlantic 21 which had other improvements including a communication’s aerial. The current vessel is an Atlantic 85 named R A Wilson provided by funds from the Toby Charitable trust, which has a crew of four and has the latest technology which is updated every five years. This includes onboard helmets which are interconnected so everyone hears instructions and updated information.

The facility used to store the boat was a shed which had no facilities, so the all-male crew put their oilskins over their everyday clothing and the lifeboat was launched and recovered by a winch. Soon a tractor donated by a local farmer aided launch and recovery.

Ron spoke on the many adaptations and changes made over the years and to visits made by the Duke of Kent in 1994 and Princess Anne in 1998 when she opened the new Lifeboat Station on Largs Promenade. Interestingly the photograph of that opening included two ladies who were new recruits to the service.

The talk was riddled with humorous anecdotes and some excellent action photographs of rescues, stormy Largs and other activities which made Ron’s talk most enjoyable.

New members are always welcomed at the Club. If you are 50 or over, retired, or nearing retirement, (men only, I’m afraid) you can attend three meetings as a guest and find out what a relaxed and friendly time we have. That’s plenty of time to decide whether to become a Club member or not. Please check out our programme and then use our Contact Form if you wish to attend as a guest, or to enquire about joining.

Largs Probus Club will next meet in the Willowbank Hotel on Wednesday 29th January at 10am when Phil Theaker will give an Indian Travelogue. Their Burns Lunch will be held there on Wednesday 5th February.