Ducking under a rope at the age of 8 to ask the Queen the time led to Mike Kernan’s photograph appearing in the Daily Record and to his interest in journalism. This was the introduction Mike gave to his extremely interesting talk on journalism at a recent meeting of Largs PROBUS Club. He spoke about his lengthy career in journalism starting as a Reporter with the Renfrew Press and various magazines. He praised local papers which everyone should cherish and support as they give people a voice.
Mike was the first editor of Oracle which was cutting edge in the day, giving live updates as stories progressed. He also influenced the introduction of TV’s in shop windows so that people could see live football scores. Mike became a freelance Sub Editor in 1990 which involved putting stories together, determining where they would go in a paper and doing a cut and fit job as appropriate, but his spiritual home was The Sun where he was the Chief Sub Editor, Deputy Editor then Executive Editor in his 30 year career. He stated that it was well paid, great fun, with each day starting with a blank canvas and at its peak was the biggest selling newspaper in the UK with headlines determined by scandal, glamour, crime and football.
He spoke about the friendly rivalry with the Daily Record and the effect on journalists covering major events such as Dunblane, death of Diana Princess of Wales, 9/11 and the Cluthar story. Mike has written two novels, The Fenian and Stopping for Rain, and a book on his second love, fishing, called Fishing in the Sun.
The vote of thanks was given by George Newlands who thanked Mike for his amazing insight into his career and referred to his own brief flurry with journalism.
The Club will next meet on 20th September in the Willowbank Hotel at 10am when Gordon Black will speak on Hydro Power. Men over the age of 50 who are retired, or nearing retirement, are welcome to join the Club by completing our Contact Form.