The Finer Points of MS Word

The Technical Discussion Group met on Tuesday 6th Feb for a hands-on seminar on Microsoft Word, for which we were prepared to look at anything and everything from Formatting to Peer document review. Unfortunately those attending were probably some of the more savvy users in the club, so whilst we all learnt about shortcuts and functionality we didn’t know about or understand, there was not the wider audience we had been hoping for, or even expecting. We looked at some really helpful videos on YouTube, that gave very succinct demonstrations of Word functionality. The discussion and information we shared was all very helpful.

I suspect that amongst the population in general there are a large number of computer users who ‘get by’, rather than like to improve their skills. Perhaps it’s like driving, very few people go on Institute of Advanced Motorists courses or Defensive Driving courses.

Hopefully our current questionnaire amongst members on their IT usage and skills might point us in the right direction.

Phil Theaker